Spearheading sustainable urban mobility by cultivating trust through inclusive, safe public transport.

Welcome to WizGo

metro passenger
metro passenger

Download the app and embark on a journey you can rely on.

Safety in motion, trust in every ride.
WizGo embraces an inclusive future of public transport.

About the App

Passenger-centric Mobility

WizGo cares about your journey and thereby improving relability and attractiveness of public transportation.

Real-time Action

Through enabling instant connectivity with co-passengers in the immediate vicinity, WizGo ensures your voice is heard.

Absolute Transparency

WizGo is developed on a multi-level trust management system that makes the app highly reliable and transparent.

App homescreen
App homescreen

App Features

Check in screenshot
Check in screenshot
Step 1

Open WizGo and check-in to a transit station near you

location screenshot
location screenshot
chat screenshot
chat screenshot
request screenshot
request screenshot
Step 2

Tap "Ask for Support" to begin typing your request.

Step 3

Submit your request to all other WizGo users who are checked in at the same station.

Step 4

Discuss your support request in a closed communication channel.

rating screenshot
rating screenshot
Step 5

Once the issue has been resolved, rate the support you received

Why WizGo

We recognize the importance of public transport in urban mobility. However, there are challenges affecting its usage, such as safety concerns, limited reporting mechanisms, and the impact of global events like Covid-19.

These factors have led to a decrease in public transport usage, resulting in increased traffic congestion and emissions. Moreover, the lack of citizen feedback and co-development has hindered the progress of our urban environment.

To address these issues, we have developed WizGo to connect passengers and foster ad-hoc commmunities in public transport.

metro passengers
metro passengers


WizGo is powered by a ground-breaking mobile technology in ad-hoc, gps-based user spaces. These spaces group users together as they enter and leave a defined area, such as a metro stop or a traincar. User accounts are kept private until opting in to connect, and afterwards are able to rate each other to police the safety of the community.

Through our platform, passengers can report issues to each other and transport providers, create a supportive environment, and build trust using rating mechanisms.

WizGo also leverages analytics to stimulate behavior change among users.

In return, cities and transport providers gain real-time insights into passenger perceptions of safety and can make use of new, dynamic feedback channels.

Pilots - Proof of Concept

Skyline of Split, Croatia
Skyline of Split, Croatia
Skyline of Istanbul, Turkey
Skyline of Istanbul, Turkey
Pilot Project in Split

In Split, we rolled out our groundbreaking "CONNECT" feature, designed to foster seamless connections among commuters while waiting at bus stops, all in the name of elevating the overall feeling of security. The pilot project is tested by 300 users, comprised of 70% students and daily work commuters, and spans various periods including evenings, daytime, and rush hour, ensuring comprehensive feedback.

Questionnaires will also provide valuable insights on public transport security sentiments and app feature preferences.

Pilot Project in Istanbul

Our pilot project in Istanbul is set to focus on increasing security and gathering valuable feedback along the historic tram line T1 in Istanbul's peninsula which serves tourists, commuters, and students. Through the implementation of the innovative "CONNECT" feature, we aim to ensure a safer journey within the tram line, while the introduction of the "REPORT" feature allows users to provide feedback on the transport system and environment. With a duration of up to 6 days, we anticipate the participation of approximately 400-800 individuals, who will share their satisfaction, feelings of security, and preferences through initial and exit questionnaires.

Pilot project in Berlin

Our first live test took place in Berlin on 29 July 2021 along the S46 Sbahn line between Südkreuz and Adlershof. A total of 122 participants took part, testing the technical functionalities of the app. WizGo collected results on the app's accuracy, reliability, and user movement data. The results of the data gave a precise overview that public transport can increase its attractiveness if it includes digitalization and passenger participation in addressing the sense of safety.